Chamomile Roman

(Chamaemelum nobile, Anthemis nobilis L.)

Psycho-emotional Qualities and Indications

  • Calms experience of stress
  • Eases agitation
  • Eases anger
  • Eases anxiety
  • Eases depression / low mood
  • Emotional sedative
  • Fear
  • Hyperactivity
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability / intolerance/ impatience
  • Mental sedative (calms an active mind)
  • Nervous system sedative / nervous tension
  • Panic attacks
  • Pre-menstrual tension (PMT)
  • Restlessness
  • Solar plexus tension

Safety Information

Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising. Prone to oxidisation if not stored appropriately (cool, dark, tightly secured lids).  Do not take orally / ingest.

Background ‘droplet’

Chamomile Roman (larger than German Chamomile) is a strongly aromatic perennial herb that produces large daisy-like flowers, which is found growing in dry fields and cultivated gardens throughout Europe and North America.

Chamomile Roman yields a straw-yellow to transparent essential oil from the flowering heads.

It is an invaluable skin healing essential oil when added to vegetable oil, non-perfumed cream or lotion, and is calming to the nervous system, easing anxiety and feelings of anger and frustration, and hyperactivity, and so much more.

Energetic qualities

Water, Wood.  Yin, Yang

You will find more information about this essential oil in Heathers award winning books Healing with Essential Oils, Essential Oils for Mindfulness and Meditation, and Essential Oils for the Whole Body